Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Hello, friends of mine!

I hope this greeting finds you happy and well today. I hope that you are gearing up for a joyous Thanksgiving as you read this, and that you will be surrounded by family, friends and love. I hope you enjoy more food and drink than you think you should. And I really hope you don't beat yourself up too bad for doing so.

I also hope you stay out of harms way through your travels and celebrations.My friend, and insurance agent, Cecil Williams shared this message with me and his other clients earlier this morning, and I found the content valuable so I thought I'd pass it along.

"A newer tradition that’s grown in popularity is to serve a deep-fried turkey at the feast. Proponents say that it takes less cooking time and the meat is juicier (and, honestly, what doesn’t taste better deep-fried?). However, preparing a turkey this way can be a dangerous proposition since it requires vast amounts of hot oil, which can splash, spill over or combust and burst into flames. The NTF and Butterball are two resources to learn how to properly and safely deep-fry a turkey. The most important rules are to never leave the turkey unattended while cooking and to keep pets and children away from the deep-fryer.
In fact, it’s a good idea not to leave any food in the oven or on the stove top over an open flame unattended while preparing Thanksgiving dinner to reduce fire risks. Cooking-related fires happen more on Thanksgiving Day than any other day of the year, contributing to 75 percent of Thanksgiving fires compared to 46 percent of fires on other days, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Let’s face it, nobody wants to eat blackened, dry and crunchy turkey, and you definitely don’t want to call the fire department or file an insurance claim when you should be enjoying quality time with family and friends.
The greatest Thanksgiving tradition aside from gorging on delicious food is surrounding ourselves with the people we love and reflecting on all that we’re grateful for in our lives."
Thank you, Cecil, for sharing this. And thank you, friends, for taking the time to read this far. May God be with you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving and always. I hope you know I am grateful for your time, friendship and love.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Dr. Chris Renne
Chiropractic Physician
Board Certified Integrative Medicine


Thursday, August 31, 2017

If not opioids, then what, Doc?

That is the Million Dollar question for thousands of people who just want the pain to stop.

As promised in my last blog post, here in one doctor's opinion on the matter:

Dr. Robert H. Smerling, MD, Faculty Editor and a regular contributor to the Harvard Health Publication writes this in his recent entry Here's something completely different for back pain:

"A recent study found that NSAIDs did not work well for back pain. But, new recommendations take that conclusion even further: it may be best to avoid medications altogether — at least at the start.
The American College of Physicians has just come out with new guidelines for the treatment of low back pain based on a review of more than 150 studies. The big news? Medications tend to have only temporary and modest benefits, so it makes sense to try something other than a pill. The specifics depend on the type and duration of back pain.
For new low back pain (lasting less than 12 weeks), try:
  • heat
  • massage
  • acupuncture
  • spinal manipulation, as with chiropractic care.
If these don’t work, NSAIDs or a muscle relaxant are reasonable options. But given their potential to cause side effects and their modest benefit, they aren’t the first choice.
For chronic low back pain (lasting 12 weeks or more), try:
  • exercise (including stretching, improving balance, and strengthening core muscles)
  • physical therapy
  • acupuncture
  • mindfulness-based programs intended to cope with or reduce stress.
Other approaches, such as tai chi, yoga, or progressive relaxation techniques may also be helpful.
If these don’t work, treatment with NSAIDs, tramadol, or duloxetine is worth consideration. However, opioids should be considered only if other measures have failed and only after a thorough review of potential benefits and risks with your doctor.
It’s important to emphasize these suggestions are for low back pain that might begin after an unusually strenuous workout or shoveling snow. It’s not for serious causes of back pain such as a major injury, cancer, infection, or fractures (see “red flag” symptoms below).

What if the pain continues?

If pain persists despite these non-medication and medication-based treatments, your doctor may want to consider additional tests (such as MRI) or treatments. Remember, each person’s situation is a little different, and even medications that don’t work well on average, may work well for you.

You could see this coming?

It’s been known for years that the vast majority of low back pain goes away on its own, regardless of treatment. So, the challenge has been to find something that safely eases symptoms while waiting for improvement.

How do I know it’s nothing serious?

You don’t. But, you should be reassured that the numbers are with you. Ninety-nine percent or more of people with low back pain do not have a serious cause. But to help make sure your back isn’t in that small sliver of dangerous causes, doctors use the “red flag” questions:
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with cancer?
  • Have you experienced unexplained or unintentional weight loss?
  • Do you have an abnormal immune system (due to disease or medications)?
  • Do you use intravenous drugs?
  • Have you had a fever recently?
  • Have you had significant injury to your back recently?
  • Have you had bladder or bowel incontinence?
These questions and a physical examination are intended to identify factors that would increase the chances that your back pain is due to infection, tumor, or other serious cause.

So, what?

These new guidelines endorse an approach to treating a common ailment that only a few years ago would have seemed outrageous. The remedies recommended are not brand new; but discouraging medication use as an initial step is a big departure from prior recommendations. An email alert I received just after these guidelines were published included the headline: “Take two yoga classes and call me next month?” It may not be such a bad idea!
Medical practice rarely changes right away, and these guidelines may have relatively little impact in the short run. But I would not be surprised if non-pharmacological treatment of back pain becomes the norm over time. Many of my patients already seek out these treatments regardless of whether I recommend them. After all, the “usual” medications for low back pain are not all that effective and often cause trouble. It’s time we recognize that there are other, better ways to help."
So there you have it. Some viable and productive options for the treatment of mild to moderate acute onset back pain.  I strongly believe in exhausting all conservative means of pain control prior to taking narcotic pain relievers that simply mask symptoms and potentially create issues greater than the pain itself. 

Remember, as someone much more interesting than I one said "knowledge is power". So load up and take care of YOU.

Until next time, be well and PINPOINT THE POSITIVE!

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207
904-398-4860 office

Please don't keep us a secret. Rate us on Yelp!


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Why should I care about this so called "opioid crisis" Dr. Chris?

Hello again, friends. Recall, last week we defined what and opioid/narcotic medication was. 
Today, I'd like to expand on why YOU should care in the first place.

"Calls have come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) for a shift away from opioid use toward non-pharmacologic approaches to address chronic pain. 

Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids have quadrupled since 1999, as have sales of these prescription drugs. From 1999 to 2014, more than 165,000 people --- three times the U.S. military deaths during the twenty years of the Vietnam War -- have died in the U.S. from overdoses related to prescription opioids. Today, at least half of all U.S. opioid overdose deaths involve a prescribed opioid. In 2014, more than 14,000 people died from overdoses involving these drugs, with the most commonly overdosed opioids -- Methadone, Oxycodone (such as OxyContin®), and Hydrocodone (such as Vicodin®) -- resulting in death. 

Regrettably, overdose deaths resulting from opioid abuse have risen sharply in every county of every state across the country, reaching a new peak in 2014: 28,647 people, or 78 people per day – more than three people per hour. The newest estimates on the cost of opioid abuse to U.S. employers is estimated at $18 billion in sick days, lost productivity and medical expenses. An important non-pharmacologic approach in helping to solve this crisis is chiropractic care.(my specialty). This discussion offers greater understanding of the scope of the opioid situation, the elements that have contributed to it and an approach that emphasizes non-pharmacologic care. Collectively, we must begin to extricate ourselves from our current ineffective, dangerous and often fatal reality. "

I hope this information finds a place in your consciousness and will help you make wise, informed descisions about the type of care you chose when injured or hurting. I also hope this sparks a hunger to learn more about some of the alternatives to controlled substances that exist in the medical community.

Stay tuned, more to follow....

As always, I am grateful for your thoughtful attention. Please share this with the people you love. Together, I sincerely believe we all can make a difference. And we CAN bring those shocking numbers down. Every life is precious. So take care of yours! 

Yours in health,
Jacksonville, Florida Whiplash Specialist

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Please don't keep us a secret. Rate us on Yelp!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

What exactly is an Opioid and why should I care, Doc?

Thank you for taking the time to read part 2 in my ongoing series highlighting the growing dangers of prescription and non prescription Opiod (narcotic) medications. Here is a recent description provided by the American Society of Addiction Medicine:

"Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illicit drug heroin as well as the licit (legal) prescription painrelievers, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, fentanyl and others. Opioids are chemically related and interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the brain and nervous system to produce pleasurable effects and relieve pain. Addiction is a primary, chronic and relapsing brain disease characterized by an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors. Of the 21.5 million Americans age 12 or older that had a substance use disorder in 2014, 1.9 million had a substance abuse disorder involving prescription pain relievers and 586,000 had a substance abuse disorder involving heroin. It is estimated that 23 percent of individuals who use heroin develop opioid addiction."

I think now is a good time to provide an important disclaimer. My office is proud to feature both medical and chiropractic solutions to pain related syndromes. We have no axe to grind against allopathic (1) medicine and we are proud to work with traditional medical providers to find the very best solutions for our patients.  Many times, these treatment plans include prescription medications.
The overall purpose of this series is to provide education to the public regarding what is happening and future posts will provide alternatives for consideration that do not include potentially dangerous opioid medications. As a father of three growing boys that like to hurt themselves, this series is very personal to me as I have seen first hand what irresponsible dispensing of these potentially harmful drugs can do.

So please read, absorb and empower yourself to make safe choices for you and those you love.

As always, Pinpoint the Positive and be well!

Yours in health,

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207
904-398-4860 office

Please don't keep us a secret. Rate us on Yelp!

(1) Allopathic: a system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by use of remedies (as drugs or surgery) producing effects different from or incompatible with those produced by the disease being treated—compare homeopathy.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Emergency! Please read and share

Tallahassee, Fl – In an unprecedented action, Governor Scott, Wednesday declared an opioid epidemic threatening the State of Florida with an emergency.  In his Executive Order No. 17-146, Governor Scott recognized the 33,000 nationwide deaths per year and 3,900 Florida deaths due to opioids.

The Order allows for federal grant funds to provide for services to Florida communities instead of waiting until the start of the next fiscal year, July 1, 2017. The HHS grant of $27M over two years, provides funds to the Department of Children and Families, to provide prevention, treatment, and recovery support services to address this epidemic.  

The Order also directs DCF, DOH, and FDLE to meet with communities and hold workshops to identify additional strategies to fight the rising opioid usage cases in Florida. (1) 

Thank you for reading and sharing this. There will be more to follow on the very hot topic. Stay tuned and stay well!

Respectfully yours,

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207
904-398-4860 office

Please don't keep us a secret. Rate us on Yelp!

(1) Source: Paul Lambert, J.D. Florida Chiropractic Association General Council

Monday, July 17, 2017

Pillow talk, anyone?

Hey Jacksonville, time for a little pillow talk!

Sorry for the pun, but I couldn’t resist. But here is a serious question for you: when was the last time you thought about the pillow you lay your head on at night? You should, because it can impact you more than you might think!

First of all, a comfortable pillow can make it that much easier to get a good night’s sleep. But even more importantly, it can help protect pain in your head, you neck, your shoulders, your hips and other problem areas. If you suffer from chronic pain in your joints, I recommend that you take a good hard look at that soft pillow!

Generally speaking, a good pillow should provide support to your muscles with support and keep your upper body in alignment. Your head should be aligned with the spine and curved forward slightly, just as it would be in a healthy resting position if you were awake. If your pillow is too high or too flat it keeps your neck out of alignment while you are sleeping. This causes muscle strain through your shoulders and cervical spine. Studies show that good pillows support the head at about 4-6” off the bed (this means you’ll want to change your pillow regularly, as pillows flatten out over time).

There isn’t one perfect pillow. Everybody will find different pillows that work best for them. Choosing the right pillow depends on a lot of factors. Your personal comfort level is the first! But another big factor is what position you sleep in.

Side sleepers

When you are lying on your side, your pillow should support your head so that your spinal column is a straight horizontal line. Because your head is heavy, you will want a firm pillow that gives it lots of support. Studies show that you should probably avoid feather pillows, since they compress the most. Use a soft pillow and you will feel it in your cervical spine the next day!

I want to note that if you are a side-sleeper, it’s important that you also put a pillow between your legs. This will keep your hips from rotating while you sleep, pulling your spine out of alignment.

Back sleepers

The spine is naturally curved, so if you sleep in this position it is key to support your head and neck! When you’re standing with a correct, neutral posture, your neck has a curve and your head is slightly forward. You want a pillow that maintains this same posture when you are sleeping. Back sleepers don’t need as firm pillows as side sleepers do.

You may find that putting a second pillow under your knees helps alleviate back pain while you are sleeping in this position.

Front sleepers

As a chiropractor, I really wish that no one slept on their front side! Unfortunately, some of us are accustomed to it. When you sleep like this, you have to turn your face to the side in order to breathe. This means your head and neck are twisted way out of alignment the whole night through, forcing your muscles to compensate.

If you are going to sleep like this, you want a very flat pillow under your head. You might even just sleep flat on the mattress. Placing a pillow underneath your pelvis can help your lower back. But to be honest, if it is even remotely possible, I recommend trying to switch to a side or back sleeping position. Sure, you’ll have a few sleepless nights. But you might just save yourself some major back and neck pain down the road!

Can’t decide

Do you switch it up during the night? Don’t worry, there are pillows for you too! You can find pillows that have higher areas for side sleeping and lower areas for back sleeping. Give it a shot!

Types of pillows

There are so many pillows out there these days! Orthopedic pillows offer extra head support and are contoured to fit the curve of your neck. If you have cervical neck problems and are a back sleeper, this is a great solution. Some side-sleepers enjoy using body pillows, as one pillow can support their head and fit between their legs.
Your standard pillow is still an excellent choice, too. Standard pillows come with a number of different fillings to choose from including:
·         Down or down-alternative
·         Latex
·         Memory foam
·         Water
·         Buckwheat hulls
The last option, Buckwheat hulls, is becoming popular among those with degenerative disc diseases and other severe spine problems.
But only you can decide what pillow feels truly comfortable and supportive. I’d recommend trying a few different types of pillows. You never know, you may come across something that gives that old pillow you’ve been using for years a run for its money! Wouldn’t it be worth it for a good night’s sleep?
At Active Medical and Chiropractic we have a selection of specialized pillows that you might find helpful if your current pillow isn’t giving you the support you need. Ask us about it on your next visit!
Yours in health,

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Monday, June 19, 2017

Easy to Implement Tips for Better Sleep

From the Desk of Christopher B. Renne, DC

Hey there, Jacksonville! Let’s talk about sleep. Are you getting enough? Too many people are not!
And that’s a problem, because lack of sleep has been linked to everything from mood swings to pimple breakouts to weight gain to poor memory to a weakened immune system, and even to vision problems. The fact is, our bodies need sleep to function in a normal, healthful manner.
But sometimes you might have trouble sleeping. It could be due to stress, or chronic pain, or some other issue.  Maybe you toss and turn but just can’t fall asleep. Maybe you wake up at 4 AM and find yourself just lying there until the alarm goes off. Maybe you sleep through the night but you’re still waking up exhausted.
Whatever the case may be, here are some tips to help you get those forty winks.

1. Give yourself a chance to wind down before bed

What are you doing right before you switch off the lights? Checking work emails? Watching TV? Playing video games?
These are all fine activities on their own, but they stimulate your brain rather than sedate it. If you are doing these kinds of things right before bedtime, experts strongly recommend that you take a break. Give yourself an hour before bed to start winding down - and you should probably make sure that hour is electronics free.
Many people find that establishing a relaxing bedtime ritual also promotes sleep. See what works for you. Bedtime is an excellent chance to spend time with a good book!

2. Don’t stay in bed if you aren’t sleeping

This one is as simple as it sounds: if you can’t sleep after lying there for 20-30 minutes, get out of bed.
Lying there worrying that you can’t get to sleep will probably not help you get to sleep! Get up and engage in some calm activity that won’t overstimulate you (don’t turn on that TV!). Have a cup of non-caffeinated tea or a glass of warm milk. Read some more of that book. When you feel gravity dragging your head toward your pillow it’s time to fall back into bed, hopefully this time to sleep.

3. Keep a regular sleep schedule

If you’re like many people, you stay very busy on weekdays and so on the weekends you sleep in as much as possible. Or perhaps you simply find yourself going to bed at different times every night. Both of these patterns can lead to poor sleep. Going to bed at roughly the same time every night and waking up at a normal hour, even on weekends, can help you get more consistent restful sleep.
That doesn’t mean you have to get up at 7 AM on Saturday. But sleeping half the day away can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule and leave you feeling tired and drained come Monday morning.

4. Exercise daily

If you’ve been sitting in an office all day, your body may still have pent-up energy to burn come bedtime. That could make getting to sleep difficult. A vigorous workout - not too close to bedtime - can exhaust your body and your mind and help you get those badly needed Z’s.

5. Consider your sleep environment

There may be simple changes you can make in your bedroom that will help you get a good night’s sleep. Here are some ideas to consider:
·         Blackout curtains on the window can block out external light sources which keep you awake.
·         A white noise machine helps lull some people to sleep.
·         Make sure your bedroom is nice and cool. Too warm and you may have trouble staying asleep.
·         Is your pet waking you up at 2 AM every night? Your little fluff ball may need to sleep somewhere other than your bedroom.
·         Make sure your pillows are comfortable. Replace them regularly.
·         Make sure your mattress is doing the job. Most mattresses need to be replaced once every ten years or so.

Believe it or not, Active Chiropractic and Medical has a number of ways to help people with pain sleep at night. Perhaps there is a special pillow or mattress that might make you more comfortable. Or maybe you just need help with pain. If aches and pains are keeping you awake, come in and see us!
Here is wishing you a good night’s sleep, Jacksonville!

Yours in health,

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Monday, June 12, 2017

What do I do if I'm in an accident?

Hello, friends and patients,

Here is something to think about: When was the last time you were in a car accident?
Car industry studies show that on average a driver is in an auto collision once every 17.9 years. So if you've had a clean driving record for a couple of decades, watch out - you're overdue!
Almost everyone who gets behind the wheel of an automobile will, sooner or later, be in an accident. Even if you are a terrific driver! When it does happen, you may be shaken up and not sure what to do next. So it really pays to plan ahead! Here are a few steps to take after you've been in an accident:

1. Pull over and call 911

This is always a good idea and should really be the first thing you do. Sometimes the other driver in the accident may try to talk you out of calling the authorities. Don't let them! 911 can dispatch medical help if required. They will also send a police officer to the scene. That officer can assess the whether everyone is safe, what was damaged, and make a determination of who was at fault.

2. Exchange information

If you are able to, try to collect critical information from everyone that was involved in the accident. That means names, driver's licenses, insurance information, and license plates. Don't forget that if you carry a smart phone, like most people do these days, you can use the camera on it to snap pictures of license plates other documents.

3. Document the scene

Still have that smartphone handy? Great, because it's a good idea to snap some pictures of the scene itself. Then, when the police arrive, make sure to ask if they will be filing a report. After that, it is time to call your insurance company and let them know you have been in a fender bender. Your pictures, phone call, and the police report help establish what happened for your auto insurance and any personal injury claims. Without it, it is your word against the other driver.

4. Consult a medical professional

Obviously if you are hurt you need immediate transportation to the hospital. If the collision was severe, you may even want to wait to move until paramedics arrive and evaluate you for spinal injuries. But even if you walk away from the accident feeling fine, you should consult a medical professional as soon as possible. Some injuries can take days to show up. This is especially true of back and neck injuries resulting from auto collisions. Don't assume that you're fine! The sooner you get checked out, the better.
So many of the folks that come through my door have pain and injuries resulting from a car accident. If you have been in an accident, I highly recommend you don't wait or take any chances. Call and make an appointment to see us today!

Yours in health,

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
4111 Atlantic Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32207

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Smart phone use can cause WHAT?

From the desk of Christopher B. Renne, DC

March 14, 2017

Hello again friends.

Dr. Chris here.  Hopefully you are having a great day and a great week, and enjoying all the 2017 had to offer.  I known I am!

Today, I wanted to revisit an old topic, a personal favorite of mine.  As you all know, the world has been taken over by smart phone use.  I wanted to re-share some information that you may find helpful regarding your cell phone and what frequent use can do to your posture and physical well being.

Good posture is a paramount importance to a healthy spine.  In my office, we always encourage patients to spend their work day in front of computer to concentrate on improving their posture.  Being hunched in front of a screen 8 hours a day most certainly can contribute to a spine and neck pain even in someone who is otherwise active and healthy.

These days it is not just office workers who are craning their neck stare at a tiny screen:  If anyone with a cell phone, a tablet, and a data plan.  That is certainly bad news for our spines, according to a research performed by Dr. Kenneth Hansraj, Chief of Spine Surgery at New York Spine Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine.  In this CBC news article the study reported some alarming results:  “People spend an average of 2 to 4 hours each day with their neck bent at this a natural angle plus shooting of emails or texts.  That is 700 to 1,400 hours a year”.  

Let me restate that, that is up to 1,400 hours a year staring at tiny screen! and the study found that being slumped over your smart phone greatly increases the amount of weight your neck and back have to support:

“Dr. Hansraj’s study found that bending your neck at a 60 degree angle to get a better look at your self use putting 60 pounds worth of pressure on your cervical spine, the portion of the spine above your shoulders.  That is more than the weight of your average 7-year-old.”

But even if you are hunched over at a 60 degree angle you can still be putting a lot of stress on your spine:

“Tilting your head even at 15 degrees puts 27 pounds of pressure on your spine; a 30 degree neck tilt equals 40 pounds of pressure; a 45 degree tilt adds to force of 49 pounds.”

Poor posture does not just look bad, it can cause lots of problems:  But it is not just a big slump that could eventually cause you to look like lurch:  “Loss of the natural curve of the cervical spine leads to incrementally increase stresses about the cervical spine.  These stresses may lead to early ware, tear, and degeneration (arthritis of the spine), and possibly surgical intervention.”

As any good chiropractor knows, bad posture has been linked to host medical problems, including headaches and other neurological problems, depression, constipation, and heart disease.  At a minimum, constant slouching is likely to cause a lot of chronic pain.

What can you do ?

Well, you can try to spend less time staring at your iPhone.  May be its time to pickup the phone and call that friend instead of sending another text.  When you do need to use your phone to text or email, try to maintain a neutral position:  Back straight, shoulders in line with your ears, and your shoulder blades pulled back.

There are lots of downsides of poor posture, there are lots of upsides to good posture:  Other studies have found good posture elevates testosterone and serotonin in the body and also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  Good posture has even been linked to personality traits such as tolerance for risk taking.

This is an excellent reminder that it is important to be mindful of our posture no matter what we are doing.  Sitting straight up in the office all day wound to us any good if we are spending a couple hours slouched over sending texts as soon as we go home.

Next time you pull out your smart phone, pay attention how you hold yourself while you are using it.  Try and get in a habit of keeping your spine in a neutral position while texting or emailing.  Who knows, you might find that you start feeling better and feeling better about yourself if you do so.

I hope you found the above information useful and modestly entertaining.  As always, I am grateful you have taken the time to read this information and I hope that you will share with those that you love.

Be well !

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
Chiropractic Physician
Board Certified Integrative Medicine
Florida #CH7715

NOTE:  Dr. Christopher Renne is a Jacksonville, Florida based Chiropractic Physician.  He has been in active practice since 1998 and specializes in the treatment of spinal related pain.  He has been a Jacksonville resident since 2000.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


The American College of Physicians recommends Chiropractic Medicine, not pills, for lower back pain

Hello friends, I’m back with another post about chronic low back pain. Another?? Absolutely! 

Chronic lower back pain is a problem that affects a lot of people - one in four Americans reports experiencing at least one day of lower back pain within just the last three months of their lives.
I’ve written in the past on this blog about how many folks who struggle with chronic back pain often turn to dangerous prescription painkillers to help. As a doctor who sees multiple patients with chronic back pain come through every day, it’s my experience that things like painkillers seldom do anything to alleviate the patient's’ suffering - in fact, they can make it worse! But as Americans, we’ve been trained to expect that there is a pill to fix everything that is wrong with our bodies.
But medical science is slowly catching onto the fact that this just isn’t true. Last month, the American College of Physicians released new guidelines for treating chronic lower back pain. They based their recommendations on extensive clinical trials. And what did those clinical trials tell them? Let’s see.
Taking a bunch of Tylenol for your pain? Not helpful! Tylenol, or acetaminophen as it’s known to doctors, doesn’t do any better than a sugar pill placebo for treating lower back pain. Also, taking a lot of Tylenol could be a bad idea since excessive doses can damage your liver. Opioid-based painkillers (like Oxycontin)? Really bad idea! Opioids are addictive and easy to overdose on, even when they are prescribed by your doctor. Worse, these painkillers have helped lead to the heroin epidemic that is sweeping America*!
So, if drugs are out, what did the ACP recommend to treat chronic lower back pain?
The American College of Physicians (ACP) recommends … that physicians and patients should treat acute or subacute low back pain with non-drug therapies such as superficial heat, massage, acupuncture, or spinal manipulation.
“Spinal manipulation” just means good old Chiropractic medicine, by the way. But hey, this is only the short list. What else did the ACP recommend for lower back pain?
…[E]xercise, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, acupuncture, mindfulness-based stress reduction, tai chi, yoga, motor control exercise (MCE), progressive relaxation, electromyography biofeedback, low-level laser therapy, operant therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or spinal manipulation.
I’ve seen patients have great results with everything the ACP recommends here. At Active Medical & Chiropractic we offer as many of the above treatments as we can fit under our roof! (Sadly, we don’t have a spot to fit an acupuncturist yet.)
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that I’m a big booster for the healing power of exercise. ‘Exercise’ doesn’t have to mean doing jumping jacks or running a marathon! Tai chi and yoga are great forms of exercise, and hey, look - they’re on the ACP’s list!
Friends, the ACP acknowledges that right now, modern medicine just doesn’t have an instant ‘cure’ for chronic low back pain. Who knows? Maybe one day there will be a pill that just makes it all go away. My bet would be, though, that we will instead get better at using techniques like yoga, acupuncture, and chiropractic medicine to unlock the body’s natural healing properties.
If you are experiencing lower back pain and are interested in trying non-invasive, non-drug therapies like those that the ACP recommends in its new guidelines, come on into the office! We offer many of those therapies right now - and if we don’t, we know the people who do! We want to make sure you get the help and healing you need, whatever form that may take.
Yours in health,

Dr. Christopher B. Renne
Chiropractic Physician
Florida CH#7715

Active Medical & Chiropractic
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, Fl 32207

* For a real eye-opener about the epidemic of prescription painkiller abuse, check out the LA Times’ article ‘You want a description of hell?’ Oxycontin’s 12-hour problem.

Monday, February 6, 2017

To Bed Rest or Not to Bed Rest, That is the Question

The Truth About Back Pain & Bed Rest!

Hello, Jacksonville! Dr. Chris Renne here again - to talk to you about what works and what doesn’t for healing back pain.
First of all, you need to understand that there are two types of back pain: acute pain and chronic pain. Acute back pain tends to be sharper and more localized. It usually results from injury - for example, an auto accident. For most people, acute pain is short term. Short of a very serious injury or complications, your pain should start getting better in a matter of days or weeks.
The other type of back pain is chronic back pain. Chronic pain is usually less intense and more widespread than acute pain. Unfortunately, it is often long term, and it doesn’t always have an obvious source. In some cases, the pain begins with an injury but persists long after the injury is healed.
When it comes to acute pain, the source of the pain is usually pretty obvious, and so is the treatment. When your injury heals, your pain will get better.
Chronic pain is a lot trickier, though, and experts often disagree about the best treatment. Because of this, a lot of myths have sprung up about treating chronic back pain. Let me put those myths to rest right now!

Myth #1: Long-term bed rest is the best cure for back problems.

When your back hurts, you may be inclined to stay in bed and wait it out. You may have even been told by others that this is what you should. It turns out, though, that long-term bed rest will do little to help your back pain - and in fact, it might make it worse!
Now, if you’ve suffered an injury to your back, you may indeed need to take it easy for 24-48 hours. After that, though, extended bed rest can lead to a number of issues: your muscles can begin to atrophy, since you aren’t using them; your heart can get out of shape too; you can experience loss of bone density; you increase your risk of blood clots; and, perhaps worst of all, you can wind up in an ‘illness mindset’.
A surprising amount of back pain has psychological roots. The more you believe you are unwell, the more likely you are to feel increased pain.
So get out of bed, because it’s time to exercise!

Myth #2: Exercise can hurt your back.

You may think that exercise might injure your back further. But in fact, there exist low-impact aerobic exercises that almost any patient is capable of, no matter what their level of pain and injury. Here are some examples of low-impact aerobic exercises:
·         Walking
·         Stationary bike
·         Elliptical trainer
·         Water therapy
See my blog post on low-impact exercises for more ideas. The important thing is to find an exercise that works for you, one that you can do frequently. Prolonged exercise in any form stimulates blood flow, which provides nutrients to your injured back. This helps engage your body’s natural healing process. And it has other benefits too!
People who exercise regularly have been shown to have fewer instances of back pain and shorter episodes when pain occurs. Exercise also release endorphins, which are the body’s natural defense against pain. And being up, out of bed, and moving helps keep you functioning and participating in the activities of daily living. That’s important for having positive mindset, which is all critical for healing!

Myth #3: Surgery is the best solution for long-term back pain.

People who suffer from long-term chronic back pain are often desperately searching for solutions. They may turn to spinal surgery as a possible answer. In my experience, though, if you are experiencing chronic back pain, surgery is almost never a good idea.
Surgery on your spine is extremely invasive. It is also risky. It can take months for your body to heal from, sometimes longer. And you may wind up worse than before, with reduced functionality and no real change in your pain levels. Studies have shown that for people who experience chronic back pain, surgery often has little to no effect.
If you have an acute and recent back injury, there may be some cases where surgery is what your doctor recommends. But this will happen soon after the injury occurs! If you have been experiencing back pain for a long time, I would think twice before signing up for surgery.

So how do I fix long-term back pain?

I wish there were one simple thing I could tell all of my patients with chronic back pain to do that would fix their pain! Unfortunately, chronic back pain is complex and not well understood by doctors. Your best bet is to enable your body’s natural healing mechanisms. The best way to do this is through exercise and a positive mindset! With these two things and the aid of some therapy, you can greatly improve your standard of living and reduce your pain.
If you’re experiencing back pain of any kind and you aren’t sure what to do about it, come in and talk with me! Together we will figure out the right plan to get you on the road to recovery.
Yours in health,

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
Chiropractic Physician

Active Medical & Chiropractic
4111 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, Fl 32207