Thursday, February 6, 2020

I saw a Nasty Auto Accident and I thought of you...

Hello again,

I am back! Hopefully you saw my previous post which details our new office location.

I got a little sidetracked on that one, but I ultimately remembered what I intended to share with you.

A few weeks ago  I was enjoying a soccer match at my son's school. I happened to be sitting on the top row of his school's modest bleachers. All of the sudden, I hear a screeching sound, I turned my head, and then BAM!!! I witnessed a nasty rear end collision. Doing what I do, I see folks that have been injured in all kinds of crashes. But I rarely have a front row seat to them. I have to say, this was really scary.
Anyway, form my vantage point, the at fault driver had somehow lost her focus on her vehicle, possible due to cell phone use. She really plowed into the other car. Sadly, she was not wearing her seat belt, which was NO BUENO. She was ejected forward, face first into her windshield, and then she was thrust backwards into the rear seat of her vehicle. It was really horrific.

I will spare you the rest of the specifics and get to my actual point here.

First off, please wear your seat belt! They really do save lives and limit physical injury. I promise you this lady wishes she was wearing hers. She will likely be forever scarred by this accident.

Secondly, pay attention to the task of driving. Please limit distractions, and please refrain from cellphone use while driving. Recall, this accident happened in a school zone. Thankfully, there were no students crossing her path on that day.

Finally, if you happen to suffer the misfortune of a similar accident, please get checked out by an experienced healthcare provider. The sooner the better, too. Early intervention and proper treatment can mean the difference between a few months of discomfort versus a lifetime of pain, suffering and disability/impairment.

Please, take a moment to watch the following video. In this, you will gain insight as to why early intervention can make a positive difference in your life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for sharing with someone you care about.

Yours in health,

Christopher B. Renne, D.C.
Active Medical & Chiropractic
2570 Atlantic Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32207

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